A special type of trust which is created after the death of the settlor for the benefit of the settlor's spouse. The terms of the Spousal Trust may state that the surviving spouse will receive the benefit of the assets held in the Spousal Trust during his or her lifetime. When the Spousal Trust terminates (i.e., upon the death of the surviving spouse), the surviving spouse will either have a general power of appointment or limited power of appointment with regard to the distribution of property held in the Spousal Trust.
At GoGo Estate, we strive to ensure that our customers receive quality online estate planning at a price they can afford.
Revocable Living Trust
Powers of Attorney
Probate Avoidance
Asset Protection
Last Will and Testament
Powers of Attorney
Simple Planning
No Probate Avoidance
Blended Family Trust
Powers of Attorney
Probate Avoidance
Protect Family Assets
Health Care Declaration
Health Care Powers
Financial Protection