A power of attorney (POA) is a legal instrument used to delegate legal authority to another person, known as an agent or attorney-in-fact. This legal authority allows the agent to make personal, financial, and healthcare decisions on behalf of the principal (the person who created the POA) when they are unable to do so. The scope of authority, duration, and conditions under which it takes effect can be customized according to the principal's needs and preferences.

Providing Assurance and Protection

A Power of Attorney is essentially a safety net. Nobody can predict when an unfortunate event like an accident or illness might render them incapacitated. In such cases, having a POA in place ensures that someone trusted can step in to manage your affairs without unnecessary legal complications. It serves to protect your interests and those of your loved ones.

Moreover, POAs can be general or limited. A general POA gives broad powers to the agent to act on the principal's behalf, while a limited POA restricts the agent's powers to specific transactions or periods. This flexibility allows you to tailor the POA according to your specific needs. GoGo Estate offers customers both general and limited powers of attorney. The Durable General POA available for purchase through GoGo Estate is a general POA, whereas the Health Care POA is a limited POA. With a GoGo Estate POA, you and your family can have peace of mind knowing that someone familiar with your values and desires will be guiding your care.

Flexibility and Ease

A POA is an essential tool in estate planning. It continues to be effective even after the principal becomes incapacitated, ensuring the seamless management of your estate according to your wishes. It is particularly important if you own property, have significant financial investments, or have specific wishes about how your affairs should be handled.

Under a Power of Attorney, your agent can smoothly handle tasks like paying your bills, managing investments, or making necessary medical decisions. This helps avoid any potential disruptions or complications in your affairs due to your incapacity.


Given the significance and potential benefits of having a Power of Attorney, it is crucial to seek competent legal advice when establishing one. This ensures that the POA is appropriately drafted to reflect your wishes accurately and provides the necessary protections for you and your loved ones. It is equally important to carefully choose your agent, considering their trustworthiness, understanding of your wishes, and ability to make potentially challenging decisions under pressure.

In conclusion, establishing a Power of Attorney is an act of foresight and prudence, safeguarding your interests and those of your loved ones. It can provide peace of mind, knowing that, whatever the future holds, your affairs will be in capable and trusted hands. With GoGo Estate, you can create a power of attorney with ease!