Estate planning is often associated with wealthy individuals or families, married couples, or elderly people. However, it is an important part of financial planning for all people, regardless of marital status, family size, or age. Particularly, single people need to give serious thought to estate planning. This blog post aims to highlight the necessity of estate planning for single individuals and provides some suggestions on the kind of estate plans they should consider.

Being single means different things to different people: it could represent a choice, a transitional period, or a significant loss. As a financial advisor, you must make an extra effort to understand the unique needs of single clients. Their concerns and responsibilities may be different than those of a married couple or a family with children. However, they still have assets and potential beneficiaries who need protection.

Why Estate Planning Is Important for Single People

Estate planning is the process of planning for what happens to an individual's assets and obligations upon their incapacity or death. For single people, this is particularly important for several reasons:

  1. Control Over Assets: Without a proper estate plan, a single person's assets could be distributed according to the state's intestacy laws, which might not align with their wishes. Estate planning ensures that their assets are distributed to the intended beneficiaries, be they siblings, friends, or charitable organizations.
  2. Health Care Decisions: If a single person becomes incapacitated and unable to make medical decisions, without proper estate planning, a court could appoint a guardian who may not make decisions in their best interest or according to their wishes. A healthcare power of attorney or living will enables them to outline their healthcare preferences and appoint someone they trust to make medical decisions on their behalf.
  3. Financial Management: Similarly, without proper estate planning, if a single person becomes incapacitated, a court could appoint a conservator to manage their financial affairs. However, with a durable power of attorney, they can designate a trusted person to handle their finances, should they become unable to do so.

Essential Estate Plans for Single People

Single individuals, regardless of their wealth, should consider the following estate planning instruments:

  1. Last Will and Testament: This fundamental estate planning document allows single individuals to specify how they want their assets to be distributed after their death and appoint an executor to carry out these wishes. Without a will, the state's intestacy laws determine asset distribution, which might not coincide with the individual's desires.
  2. Durable Power of Attorney: This document allows a trusted person to manage financial affairs if the individual becomes incapacitated. It’s a crucial tool to ensure that bills, taxes, and other financial obligations are taken care of properly.
  3. Health Care Power of Attorney and Living Will: A healthcare proxy allows individuals to appoint someone they trust to make medical decisions on their behalf if they become unable to do so. Meanwhile, a living will lets them specify what kind of medical treatment they want or don't want at the end of their life.
  4. Beneficiary Designations: Single people need to review and update beneficiary designations on their retirement accounts and life insurance policies regularly. These assets will be transferred directly to the named beneficiaries upon death, bypassing probate.
  5. Trusts: For single individuals with significant assets or specific wishes about asset distribution, setting up a trust can be beneficial. Trusts can provide greater control over asset distribution, provide for minor or special needs beneficiaries, and potentially reduce estate taxes.


In conclusion, it's crucial for financial advisors to stress the importance of estate planning to single clients. The notion that estate planning is only for the wealthy or those with families is outdated and incorrect. By helping single clients understand and implement these plans, advisors can provide invaluable service and peace of mind. After all, estate planning is about ensuring the client’s wishes are met, assets are protected, and loved ones are cared for, regardless of marital status.

GoGo Estate wants to help your single clients obtain a proper estate plan. With our sophisticated and comprehensive approach, your single clients can rest easy knowing that their estate plan is solid.